I've been going through old pictures with hopes of creating memory books for the kids with pictures of them and their dad.
As I was going through the pictures, and separating them by child, it struck me how he was a teacher to them from the very beginning and all through their lives. There were pictures of him with the boys at age 1 and 2 letting them “help” as he fixed his motorcycle or the lawn mower ,
washed the car, raked leaves, mowed the lawn, and even while he was building furniture.
Over and over he invited them into his space, spent time with them and gently taught them so many different skills. It continued as they grew, to include how to maintain the snow blower, change oil and brakes on the vehicles, use tools to build pet accessories, clean the gutters, maintain the hot tub, and build new bicycles. He also showed them how to search youtube for skills they/he didn’t quite have yet. He wasn’t afraid to say he didn’t know how to do something, but he also wasn’t afraid to attempt something new. It was more than just the practical aspects of doing those things for yourself, but also how to work hard, how to be a good steward of your things and that he believed in them and their ability to learn these skills as well. He taught them they were important to him and not nuisances that got in his way. They were a welcome part of his world and it was worth slowing down on the project to have them help and learn alongside him. He put in the time to be with them and they learned alongside each other.
He also made sure to enter their world. Even though he already had a black belt, he joined them in a new martial art, not just teaching them his skills, but learning new ones as well and completing goals together. He joined a bowling league with one child to engage and encourage his talent. He cheered our daughter on in gymnastics, and encouraged her love of animals.
Terry was a teacher and a leader. He was an encourager and was always intent on pushing them not too far, but just far enough beyond their comfort zones to reach a little higher and do a little better.
How can you invite your children into your world and show them how important they are to you? How can you show your children that they Are More Important than your schedule, work, computer, phone etc.? I hope we can all look for small and big ways to continue to pour ourselves into our children in positive and uplifting ways.