Last year I had an incredibly vivid dream about Terry and Forget-Me-Not flowers were growing out of him. They were never a flower I paid much attention to before then, but I certainly did after the dream.The initial interpretation seems obvious given their name, and of course I do give the flower a special consideration now. However, the dream also came at the time I was looking into a big vacation with the kids. I wanted to have something for us to look forward to and to recognize we'd made it through the rough "first year" and were still living a life Terry would have wanted for us. We were looking for something epic, but due to covid didn't feel comfortable trying to go outside the US. We ended up settling on Alaska. It's a place Terry would have absolutely loved to see and explore and was a place the kids were also excited to see, with lots of Mountains, wilderness and wildlife. It wasn't until we arrived and went through some tourist shops that I learned the state flower of Alaska is the forget me not!!! They were on everything, from cards, and soaps to jewelry. I can't seem to deny the symbolism of it all and of course, just how interesting it is how dreams speak to us in ways that aren't always immediately obvious. I am incredibly grateful for the many ways God has walked alongside us and shown me in big and small ways that He is indeed with us.
I did, of course, buy myself some very pretty forget me not earrings while in Alaska. And will wear them as a reminder of our trip and of My Terry.
